What is MyMedicare?
- Improved access to healthcare: MyMedicare can help patients to connect with their GP and other healthcare providers more easily and efficiently.
- Better coordination of care: MyMedicare can help to improve the coordination of care between different healthcare providers, which can lead to better outcomes for patients.
- More personalized care: MyMedicare can help healthcare providers to provide more personalized care to patients by giving them access to more information about their patients’ medical history.
- Increased patient engagement: MyMedicare can help patients to become more engaged in their own healthcare by giving them more control over their Medicare information and the ability to communicate with their healthcare providers more easily.
Top Health Clinics welcomes this new initiative. Strengthening patient care and improving collaboration amongst healthcare providers, is a great step forward in our healthcare system.
What are the benefits of registering with MyMedicare?
Once you register a ‘Home’ clinic you will be able to:
- Access your Medicare history and information about your recent visits to your GP and other healthcare providers
- See your Medicare benefits and how much you have used them
- Communicate with your GP and primary care team securely
- Track your health goals and progress
What are extra services offered with MyMedicare?
- Access to more affordable longer telehealth appointments at your home clinic: This will facilitate more detailed conversations with your doctor (over 20 minutes) about health matters important to you. Medicare will provide you a larger rebate for these telehealth appointments with your registered home clinic.
- Triple Bulk Billing incentive: This is available to GPs who bulk bill children 15 and under, pensioners and concession card holders and may also apply to longer MBS telehealth consultations. This incentive will be available from 1 November 2023.
MyMedicare is a new system in it’s early phases and further benefits are likely to be provided as the system grows.
How do you register for MyMedicare?
Eligibility: Patients must have either:
- a Medicare card
- Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Veteran Card.
- Most patients will need to have 2 face-to-face visits recorded with the same practice in the previous 24 months to be eligible to register with that practice.
To register as a MyMedicare patient, you can:
1. Start the registration process in your Medicare Online Account or Express Plus Medicare Mobile app. Our practice staff will then complete the registration in the MyMedicare system.
2. Get in touch with us and we can start the registration in MyMedicare. This will trigger a registration in your Medicare Online Account or Express Plus Medicare Mobile app, which you can then complete.
3. Fill out a registration form at your practice. By signing the form, you are giving your consent to participate in MyMedicare with that practice. Practice staff will then complete the registration in the MyMedicare system.
NOTE: Patients who register with a DVA Veteran Card will need to fill out a registration form at the practice as registration via Medicare online services can only be completed using a Medicare card.
A parent/guardian will need to register a child under 14 years and provide consent on their behalf.
Young people aged 14 to 17 years will be able to register and provide consent without a parent/guardian. It is important to note that registration for a child under 14 years will need to be completed at the practice.
Your Home Clinic
You can only register with one ‘home clinic’ to access these extra services, as the goal of MyMedicare is to strengthen the relationship with your doctor and improve continuity of care.
You are not restricted to only visiting the ‘home clinic’ whatsoever once you have registered. However, you will only have access to the extra Medicare benefits at your ‘home’ clinic.
You can deregister if you have a change of heart.
Seems like a great opportunity doesn’t it! Register Top Health Doctors as your home clinic and put your healthcare first!
Top Health Doctors is a caring team of health professionals with a patient centred care approach.
Our Doctors care for families with babies and young children through to the elderly of our community of many cultural backgrounds from many walks of life.